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Whole Food and Highly Processed Food, and the effects in our Body

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

In my blog "WATER TRAVELS IN OUR BODY EVERY SECOND OF OUR LIFE", I mentioned about cells and whole foods, and the importance of these in our health. Our body needs 13 essential vitamins to function properly. These vitamins are vitamin C, all B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, folic acid, B12, biotin, and pantothenic acid), vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and K. We need other vitamins, but they are not as essential as these ones. Some of the 13 essential vitamins cannot be stored in our body because they are water soluble, so if our body has excesses it is eliminated by the kidneys on a daily basis, for these reasons they must be consumed every day (vitamin C one of them). These vitamins come mainly from food and some others that our body can produce (K&D). Basically, these vitamins play an important role in the body because if we eat the right foods, our cells will do their job; consequently, our organs and, subsequently, our entire body.

What is a whole food? Whole foods are food that are either not processed at all or processed minimally. Whole foods are considered "nutrient dense", it means they have a lot of nutrients. On the other hand, foods that are heavily processed (whether being whole food or not) are considered to contain " empty calories". Just to be clear, all foods contain calories, the ones with "nutrient dense" and the ones with "empty calories". The difference between the two is that the one with "nutrient dense" will nourish your body, and the one with "empty calories" will only be storage as calories that will turn into fat with little or no nutritional value for your body. This website will help you to find out about the ingredients and how safe is some of the food you consume.

Another question I'm often asked is, why don't we just take supplements (vitamins) to get what our body needs? In our modern society, this is practically the most convenient solution that most people choose to do. That may be the answer when you don't have much time or you don't have access to quality whole foods, but what happens when this is your daily routine? Our body not only needs these vitamins; but it also requires the complex reactions that these whole foods produce in our body when we eat them. Whole foods high in fiber make our gut microbes thrive. In turn, these microbes that we have in our stomach and intestines, thicken the mucous wall, making the barrier in our digestive system better. While the mucous barrier reduces inflammation throughout the body, bacteria aid indigestion, making this process an easy evacuation process. The mucosal lining protects the gastrointestinal wall, which can prevent inflammatory diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, leaky gut, and Crohn's disease. Things like this, vitamin pills will not produce in our body. Vitamin D is another example of this process. Our body will produce this vitamin if we go outside and expose ourselves to the sun or if we consume foods that have this vitamin. Products like mushrooms, organic (grass-fed) eggs, and others. We can obtain this vitamin D from supplements, but most of the supplements that contain vitamin D3 (the most important for our body) come from sheep's wool. This part of the animal goes through different processes and is finally exposed to ultraviolet light to form Vitamin D3, so in conclusion it is not natural, it is the result of chemical degradation. There are not many whole food supplements, many are synthetic and it is very important to do your research before buying one. These are some of the reasons why whole foods are the most essential way to consume the vitamins that our body needs, so that it can perform its functions correctly.

Other questions I get are about organic, non-organic or local produce, and what are the differences? These topics are another "whole new ballgame". Living in a society where everything is fast and "whole food" is not really something people look at it. Even if they do, they will look for something that is easy to prepare/buy and not very expensive. For this reason, I will answer some of the questions I get during the sessions and conversations I have. Unfortunately, there are not much choices to pick when we want to eat clean, as well as within a certain budget. I am a great believer that we should have affordable clean produce, but the reality is clean produce is not very affordable most all the time. What is organic produce? Any kind of food that was cultivated, raised, produced with no artificial growing hormones, without pesticides, cage free, grass feed or in nature. On the other hand, non organic food has many kinds of preservatives and pesticides to be kept fresh, yet potentially a health risk for our body. However, some "organic produce" we consume comes from different parts of United States and the world to our local Supermarkets, this means they might still have preservatives and pesticides on them because they are coming from far away places. Consequently, they are not completely "organic". For this reason, local produce is the best option and if it is organic much better. Most local farmers are not organic, but if we as consumers pay unreasonable amounts of money for produce that comes from far away places that are listed as "organic", but they are not because of the whole process it took to have them on our tables; so isn't it better to consume something local and more affordable?Local farmers are so important for our economy and health, because their produce is going to be better than produce that comes from far away places even if they are "organic". Local produce is fresher and more economic accessible. Are they going to have pesticides if they are not coming from an organic farm? Probably yes, but if you pay for a produce that comes from far away places, and they are expensive and not really "organic" because of the stuff they have on them to preserve the freshness. Why pay so much if in quality is not much different than from a local place? If I have to say something more about this topic, I will prefer organic and local, but many farms are not organic because it is risky for the farmers, as well as not much knowledge and support by experts are available that can help with the challenges that farmers will have within their fields. Also, the demand for organic produce due to the price is not much compared to traditional produce. Adding to this, most people do not consume much vegetables and fruits, whether is traditional or organic produce and that is a reality around the world.

We should support organic farming for many reasons; because it is the best for our health, support our local farmers, support the economy of our states/cities, influence more accessibility to and growth of organic produce for high demand, environmental and climate benefits, in other words for our planet. Reasons that are very important for me and should be for anyone who cares for the health of our communities. I am all for it because we can prevent so many diseases if we could have more access to affordable clean produce.

I want to hear from you! What are you thoughts about these topics? Do you have concerns about these topics? Did I mention anything that you did not know about it? Or confirm the knowledge you have? Or do you have some experiences about it because of being born or living in another country? .........Tell me! :)

Do you look lately at what you normally have on your plate?


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