When I found out how important water is for our body, and the changes it makes in the body many years ago, I became a living creature with a water as a staple. Bringing a water bottle with me everywhere I go. If go to the grocery store; I will drink the water in the car before I went inside and after I get back to the car. If I have a party, I will bring my bottle of water. If they have water as a beverage, better for me! Free water! To put it simple, I have been drinking water every time I can at any time. If for any reason I forget, I know I will get back home and come back to my routine. Here's some of the benefits you get when you make water your partner for life!
The human body is about 60% composed of water.
Based on a Biological Chemistry journal; the brain and the heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are $83% water. The large organ in our body, which is the skin contains 64% of water. The Kidneys and muscles contain 79%, just to mention some of the organs in our body. What would happen to each organ of our body if it did not have enough hydration? Keep reading, you will find out!
Drinking water maintain the balance of body fluids.
The body functions require water. These functions consist of digestion, creation of saliva, tears in our eyes, absorption, circulation, brain functions, maintenance of body temperature. One of the most important because travels around all our entire body is the transportation of nutrients. For these and other reasons, drink water should not be neglected or taken lightly, because it is important for the well function of our body. Next time when you use the bathroom and cannot do what you need do! Ask yourself if you drink enough water. The body has many functions and you have to drink enough water, so this wonderful machine/body does its job.
Your body is your mayor asset, you have to nurture it. If you start drinking water, the best way is to have a water filter, but do not stress yourself if you cannot afford to buy one.....any little changes are good enough for our body. Boiling the water kills bacteria that might be in the water. Also, adding lemon juice will alkalized it. However, if you can invest in your precious body....why not do it?
Our body is composed by millions of cells.
Every living thing in our planet is composed by cells. The number of cells depends on the size and the structure of each living organism. The number of cells in an organism varies. This can range from single-celled organisms like a bacteria to multicellular organisms like the human body. Cells form tissues, tissues form organs, and organs form organ systems. Finally, all the organ systems form an organism (dog, bird, horse, wale, human, etc). Every cell of this organism is essentially composed of 70% of water. Three of the essential functions of a cell are; remove waste, transport nutrients and transport oxygen to our body. If a cell is composed by 70% of water, how do you think a cell will perform its job if it does not get enough hydration? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1wdIdCOk-Y&pbjreload=101
Water keeps your skin looking good.
Your skin contains and needs a lot of water. Life style, environmental factors and bodily functions will require the use of water in your body. If you are dehydrated, your body won't do its job properly and specially your skin will show that. Also, the skin is the largest organ in our body, and it is the one we can see. There are other components to have a healthy skin, but water is really one of them. A different situation happens with our other organs, we cannot see them because they are inside of us, but our body shows and sends us signals like; constipation, dry mouth, headaches, pain in our articulations, and other body signals consequently of the body's dehydration. Unfortunately, sometimes we do not realized until we have a mayor health condition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbJxgRqzN3A
For this reason, next time when you use the restroom and your urine does not flow freely and has an odor. Ask yourself these questions: When was the last time I had a glass of water? or, When was the last time I ate a whole food that contains water in it? Whole foods like cucumbers, kale, oranges, and others. But this theme is a subject for our next conversation...........so go ahead! What are you waiting for! Get your water! :)