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Image by Markus Spiske

Health Starts with you!

Natural Therapies to improve your Physical and Emotional Health

Meet Judith P Alvarado

Holistic Health Coach

Hi, I am Judith! It is so funny how my roots and all the things I was exposed to as a child, become a huge part of my daily routines and the health options I make now. I have a grandmother and a mother who used herbals and food to cure my siblings and I when we did not feel good. Those things were a normal part of my life, so growing up I always had the curiosity to looked for natural ways to address anything in my body. From natural facials to stuff I can consume to improve the natural rhythm of my body. I born in Peru and my country is the foundation of everything I know. Your body knows what it needs  and  how to recover, but we forgot how to listen to it. From the stuff we keep in our mind to the stuff we consume and do to our body. The things we do to our body and mind can help and regenerate us or drain and sick us. Many conditions that people have are because of stress and what they consume, and those conditions we are trying to resolve with pills because we want something fast. Consequently, we ending having other health conditions because of the decisions we made. Why natural is better? Because is the best way to regenerate our body, mind and soul. We have the stuff we need accessible to us, but we do not nurture, feed and do what it is best for our body. I want to help you to believe and listen again to your body!

Meet Judith
Why a Holistic Approach?

Why a Holistic Approach?

Because our body is our temple. We need to nurture and be gentle with it. However, instead we are harsh and contaminate our body with stuff and actions it does not need it. 

Purple Flowers
Mental Health is important for your health

Knowing yourself is the open door to relief . Moving out the blocks that stop and hurt you can change the synchronicity of your life. Stop living half awake.


When our body is not nurture properly, it does not work on its best. A neglected  body cannot work properly  and can have not so good consequences. One of them is the lack of energy "fatigue". 


Our body needs a break. A detoxification allows our body to flush away anything that our body is retaining and it is not allowing our body to work properly and regenerate.

The health of your Mind, Body and Soul is so important for your overall wellness.
Mindfulness - Meditation

Our day-to-day is busy all the time, but our head is busier than our day. We are thinking all the time, even when we are doing something, so our mind never rests. Trying to maintain our peace and quiet is not easy, but we have to make it a priority in our lives.

Weight Loss

Knowing and understanding what you can eat and what actions you can take to lose weight is going to change the way you understand the food you consume.  Eventually, these changes will show in your body, but more important the overall wellness of your health.  

Stress does not always comes from overwork, stress also comes too for the way you think , how your address and interpreter those thoughts.


“She really made me feel secure; I can trust her. I always want to spent more time with her ”.

— Tessa Smith



Your Health Starts Here

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Bristol, CT

Virtual Sessions (Some services are provided in person)

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